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STOP living in FEAR, Find your purpose and meaning, help others with comapssion, learn new skills and remain calm while others are not. Stand in your power, and practice self preservation and manifestation...

covering all aspects of human nature, the ego, heart and soul

you will learn how to stand up with self preservation, feel more inwardly confident and knowing

Learn "spidey" sense skills, clairevoyance, clairaudio, and channelling. Listening to the messages that are given and how to deliver them in a non attached way.

All courses are £26 each or eqivilant in local currency.

3 Courses @ £26 each

Part 1: Consumption, meditation, acceptance, non-judgement, stones, psychometry, vibrations, colour, chakras, and guides.

Part 2: Feelings, the Big Picture, challenges, past lives, compassion, growth, lives, relationships, and religion.

Part 3: Truth, Lies, Sentiment, affront, disease, contracts, learning, practice, meditation, tarot, death, symbols, explanations, advice, and conclusion

Each module takes you through exercises and practice to become the best person you can be, more mindful in all of your day, not living with fear and anxiety, not worrying about what others think.

Ist course: 7 lessons, 11 worksheets.

2nd course: 10 lessons, 8 worksheets.

3rd course: 11 lessons, 10 worksheets.

* An Empowering, self help guide completed at your own pace.

*You will discover how to:

*Live with Acceptance, non-judgement and compassion.

*Stay out of Drama and observe how others react

*Understanding your fellow man in a more "knowing" way

*Learning skills to help you communicate with past loved ones

*Be able to work with Tarot, Stones and Precious objects & Auras

*To See, Fear, Hear and Be with Spirit in your unique way

Seeing, Feeling, earing and Being with Spirit (Pegasus Publishing 2020)

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Being with Spirit exclusive offer:

These symbols down below are all healing symbols channelled from the Akashic Records and have been energised and activated for the user personally by me - TIffany All hand crafted and for specific uses. They are to be worn against the skin for deeper healing with a beautiful finish on the other side. There are no scientific evidense however previous wearers of these symbols have found a change in their body and healing on many different levels. All £60 each, complete set £750 + p & p

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Aura's protection

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Kidney health

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Heart health, emotionaly, physically

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Universal healer

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Upper back protection

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Hands & wrist reflexability

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Complete body

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Lungs, self preservation

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Lower back, stability

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Pelvis, men & women issues

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Blood cleanser

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Face & neck

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Gaia pendant, for the Earth Mothers of this world

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The reverse that is shown to the outside world

If you are not finding growth, patience and calmness through 3-6 months of practice then I will give you a one on one coaching session, includes a personal reading and guidence for you exclusively. (Worth £100) and your money back.

Being with Spirit Checkout



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S, F, H, & Being with Spirit part 2 of 3

S, F, H, & Being with Spirit part 2 of 3

2nd of the full course. Delves into more challenging lessons of acceptance, sensing objects and many more.
[[2600 | currency]]
S, F, H, & Being with Spirit Part 3 of 3, online course

S, F, H, & Being with Spirit Part 3 of 3, online course

The third and last for the moment . This consolidates all that you have learned so far and brings more depth to the teachings.
[[2600 | currency]]
Universal healer

Universal healer

A solid silver handmade pendant that is the universal healer. Affecting the body, energies on many levels to bring all into balance.
[[6000 | currency]]
Whole body healer

Whole body healer

A unique solid silver, hand made pendant to assist and heal the body as a whole. Working on many energetic levels to alleviate pain & discomfort in the body. Energised and activated for the wearer.
[[6000 | currency]]
Love with Patience T-shirt

Love with Patience T-shirt

Pure cotton t-shirt with "Love with Patience" designed by local Wellington NZ artist, commissioned by Being with Spirit. S/M/L can print to order
[[2000 | currency]]
Judgey pants t-shirt

Judgey pants t-shirt

A pure cotton t-shirt with "I don't have my judges-pants on" . Designed by local Wellington Artist commissioned by Being with Spirit. S / M / L can be printed to order.
[[2000 | currency]]

Order Summary

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